I had this idea when I was visiting a museum. I saw all these finely made silver serving vessels, and I thought how I would like to see a detailed octopus as the handle for a coffee can.
This would definitely sell. Most people in western countries love coffee and love to personalize it.
Have you ever thought of submitting some of your invention ideas to Quirky? (http://www.quirky.com/how-it-works)
Thank you for the vote of confidence. Thanks for pointing out people’s love of coffee. I do not drink coffee, so I never even thought of the public’s love for coffee. I came up with the octopus coffee can because I was fascinated by the dinner table accessories that cultures have produced.
I once saw Quirky in action up close, and I don’t think it is the model for me. I might one day manufacture a design with a web-based company if I feel an affinity for the company.
This would definitely sell. Most people in western countries love coffee and love to personalize it.
Have you ever thought of submitting some of your invention ideas to Quirky? (http://www.quirky.com/how-it-works)
Thank you for the vote of confidence. Thanks for pointing out people’s love of coffee. I do not drink coffee, so I never even thought of the public’s love for coffee. I came up with the octopus coffee can because I was fascinated by the dinner table accessories that cultures have produced.
I once saw Quirky in action up close, and I don’t think it is the model for me. I might one day manufacture a design with a web-based company if I feel an affinity for the company.